Friday, March 2, 2012


  • There are 101 trophies in the game.
  • Some trophies have a progress bar that let you know how many of the objectives of that trophy have been met.
  • The requirements for receiving most of the trophies are self explanatory. I've typed in bold and expounded on the trophies that are more difficult to acquire
    1. Gettin' paid - Earn $100.
    2. Bring home the bacon - You earned $1,000.
    3. Mind on my money - You earned $10,000.
    4. Trump this! - You earned $100,000
    5. An eventful week - You have encountered 10 email or house events.
    6. Never a dull moment - You have encountered 50 email or house events (easier to accomplish in later generations with a large family)
    7. Marry rich - You married someone with more than $200 in the bank.
    8. Marry for love - You married someone with less than $75 in the bank.
    9. A perfect match - You married someone with the same career.
    10. Oh, Baby - You had a baby.
    11. Oh, baby baby! - You had twins.
    12. Ohhhhh dear... - You had triplets
    13. Four is enough - You had 4 children
    14. No vacancy - You had 6 children (start making babies as soon as you get married and start making another baby after the mother quits nursing each a little luck from an adoption chance card/s may help)
    15. Boob tube - You praised someone who was turning off the TV. (watch your family members closely when they are in the living room while the TV is on.) You can turn the TV on and off with your curser should you desire.
    16. Care and feeding - You praised someone who was making a meal.
    17. Sleeping dragon - You praised someone who was practicing Kung Fu. (One of your little friends with a high energy level will exit through the back door and may start practicing Kung Fu. Giving one of your friends an energy drink may also initiate this action)
    18. Everything in its place - You praised someone who was cleaning the nightstand.
    19. Go-pher it! - You praised someone who was chasing gophers. (One of the children will dig a hole to China first; then sometime later will start playing in the yard. The child will start to giggle and make a "kiss smacking" sound. Praise them while they're kissing the gophers in the holes.)
    20. That funky smell - You praised someone who was throwing out rotten fish.
    21. Lotta latte - You praised someone for making a latte. (An adult will voluntarily enter the kitchen and go to the left of the sink to make coffee or a latte...praise them when the action indicates they're making a latte. The adults tend to make lattes first thing in the morning)
    22. 1,000 strokes - You praised someone who was brushing their hair.
    23. Fire stopper - You praised someone who was putting out a smoking oven.
    24. Praising good behavior - You praised all of the above 9 behaviors.
    25. Praising the praiser - You praised your little people 100 times.
    26. Sustenance - You spent $500 on food for your little people.
    27. Abundance - You spent $1,000 on food for your little people.
    28. Gluttony - You spent $5,000 on food for your little people.
    29. Preparedness - You filled the kitchen with 1,000 units of food.
    30. It's not a pyramid but...- You provided all 4 food groups in a 24 hour period.
    31. Nutrition snob - You provided all 4 food groups of organics.
    32. Coupon clipper - You saved $500 on food by finding discounts.
    33. A spoon full of sugar - You cured a symptom of someone who got sick.
    34. Not just a virus - You cured a serious infection in someone.
    35. Gravely ill - You cured a grave infection in someone.
    36. Hic - You helped someone cure hiccups. (have your little person with the hiccups take a drink from the kitchen or bathroom sink)
    37. Fish Tycoon - You got a fish tank.
    38. Plant Tycoon - You watered the plants in the window boxes. (The shed must be opened and the leaky hose an adult outside the living room windows on the right of the scene with the window boxes...the action will state watering flowers.)
    39. Dreaming Isola - You bought paintings for your house. (You can also receive this trophy if you receive the paintings through a chance card.)
    40. Staying cool in the pool - You have a pool.
    41. A fun house! - You have a pinball machine.
    42. Let's dance - You have the radio.
    43. Time to Q - You have a barbecue grill.
    44. Retail therapy - You bought every house upgrade.
    45. Trick - You gave 10 pieces of the nasty/salty candy to your little friends.
    46. Treat - You gave 10 pieces of yummy candy to your little friends.
    47. Lucky winner - You won a lottery scratch off.
    48. Two thumbs up - You watched 3 movies with your family.
    49. So like a rose - You purchased and used 2 perfumes.
    50. Weather dancer - You purchased and used 2 bottles of weather.
    51. Movin' on up - You got a promotion.
    52. Office overlord - One of your little friends mastered an office career.
    53. Cooking captain - One of your little friends mastered a kitchen career.
    54. Workshop warrior - One of your friends mastered a workshop career.
    55. Building for the future - You upgraded a career room in the house.
    56. The dream kitchen - You have a level 3 kitchen for your family to enjoy.
    57. Office of the future - You have a level 3 office for your family to enjoy.
    58. Workshop of wonders - You have a level 3 workshop for your family to enjoy.
    59. Start with the basics - You repaired the floor in the house.
    60. All the walls - You completed all of the exterior wall repairs (See section in walkthrough on repairing the Workshop walls)
    61. The shed - You managed to open the shed (Locate doorknob in sandbox, then find key under doormat)
    62. Splish, splash - You fixed the birdbath. (See walkthrough section of Bird bath repair)
    63. This old house - You completed all house repairs (See section of walkthrough on house repairs)
    64. Sticky situation - You removed a cobweb. (Place a family member on the right side of the right sink in the bathroom...if there are cobwebs they'll remove them.)
    65. Handyman - You have fixed 10 malfunctions in the house.
    66. Sock collector - You retrieved 10 socks in the house.
    67. The sock market - You retrieved 50 socks in the house.
    68. A perfect sock storm - You retrieved 100 socks in the house.
    69. Wrappers! - You disposed of 10 wrappers in the house.
    70. Wrap attack - You disposed of 50 wrappers in the house.
    71. The wrappers wrap-up: You disposed of 100 wrappers in the house.
    72. See spot? Run! - You cleaned 10 dirt smudges off the floor.
    73. Spotty behavior - You cleaned 50 dirt smudges off the floor.
    74. Sir spot-a-lot: You cleaned 100 dirt smudges off the floor.
    75. Weed picker - You pulled 10 weeds from the yard.
    76. Weed whacker - You pulled 50 weeds from the yard.
    77. Weed obliterator - You pulled 100 weeds from the yard.
    78. Spring cleaning - You made your house completely free of debris and dirt.
    79. Order in the yard - You got rid of every weed in the yard.
    80. A gleaming estate - Your home is spotless inside and out.
    81. Where is the remote? - You helped your friends recover the remote 5 times.
    82. Entomologist - You completed the collection of insects.
    83. Numismatist - You completed the collection of coins.
    84. Botanist - You completed the collection of nuts and twigs.
    85. Photo finish - You put together the antique photo.
    86. Master collector - You completed all 4 collections.
    87. Recycler - You sold 5 common collectibles online.
    88. Super recycler - You sold 15 common collectibles online.
    89. Monetizer - You sold 5 uncommon collectibles online.
    90. Super monetizer - You sold 15 uncommon collectibles online.
    91. Super seller - You sold 5 rare collectibles online.
    92. Super duper seller - You sold 15 rare collectibles online.
    93. Trophy collector - You collected all 11 collecting trophies.
    94. Starting out - One of your little friends achieved the age of 35.
    95. All the wheels turning - One of your little friends achieved the age of 45.
    96. Lessons of life - One of your little friends achieved the age of 50.
    97. Midlife - One of your little friends achieved the age of 60.
    98. Wise - One of your little friends achieved the age of 65.
    99. Overachiever - You earned 10 trophies.
    100. Unachievable - You earned 50 trophies.
    101. The impossible dream - You earned 100 trophies


  • Gives a blue bar indicating your friends hunger level.
  • Drop one of your adult friends or a child that is 14 or older on the Kitchen table to have them prepare a meal. Dropping your adults on the Kitchen table to prepare a meal is especially important when an adult has a career that works in the Kitchen...dropping one of these little friends anywhere else in the kitchen will probably cause them to start working on their career or some other action.
  • Your little friends tend to not eat meals without your assistance. Should you leave the game while one of them is preparing a meal...your little friend will stop preparing a meal.
  • After the meal has been prepared drag your family members onto the kitchen table one at a time and they will "sit down to a meal" which seems to sustain them for a much longer period of time and increases the "Fed" bar the fastest.
  • Your little people will eat on their own without your assistance as long as there is food in the house.
  • Feed Bar

  • Gives a blue bar indicating your friends hunger level.
  • Drop one of your adult friends or a child that is 14 or older on the Kitchen table to have them prepare a meal. Dropping your adults on the Kitchen table to prepare a meal is especially important when an adult has a career that works in the Kitchen...dropping one of these little friends anywhere else in the kitchen will probably cause them to start working on their career or some other action.
  • Your little friends tend to not eat meals without your assistance. Should you leave the game while one of them is preparing a meal...your little friend will stop preparing a meal.
  • After the meal has been prepared drag your family members onto the kitchen table one at a time and they will "sit down to a meal" which seems to sustain them for a much longer period of time and increases the "Fed" bar the fastest.
  • Your little people will eat on their own without your assistance as long as there is food in the house.
  • Health

  • Gives a blue bar indicating their health condition. The longer the blue bar the healthier they are.
  • Keeping food in the house and giving them medication promptly after they become ill appears to be the best preventatives for keeping your families healthy.
  • The bathroom upgrade also appears to keep your little friends healthier.
  • Should one of your friends become ill or very weak, treat them for their symptoms as soon as possible. The faster you respond to an illness, the less likely your little friends will become weak. Should your ill friend still remain ill after an hour of treating their symptoms...have a doctor consult to see if they have an infection and need to be treated with an antibiotic. Treat them with the penicillin first, then the vancomycin
  • Have an ill friend sit down to a meal several times and keep the fed bar up to slightly boost their health.
  • Using the chamomile drink works when they become ill as it lets them rest.
  • Vitamins and fruit from the varied items section of the store can also slightly boost their health.
  • Once one of your little friends becomes weak, it takes quite some time for their strength to greatly improve. Sometimes the best medicine is a good nights rest.
  • Happiness

  • Gives a blue bar indicating how happy your family member is. The longer the blue bar, the happier they are. The happiness level can range from depressed to elated.
  • What makes your friends happy:
    1. Food in the refrigerator.
    2. A house that is picked up with no wrappers, socks or TV remote on the floor.
    3. The yard is free from weeds.
    4. Money in the bank.
    5. Having children.
    6. There is a distinct correlation between the health of the family members and their happiness. If they're healthy they're happier.
    7. House upgrades.
    8. Career promotions and making money.
    9. Selling collectables on line.
    • Should one of your friends become depressed, help them out of their funk by praising them often for any positive behavior you desire; even if it is picking up a collectable, purchase an inexpensive upgrade if possible and defiantly put food on the table to store in the refrigerator. Time will be the best healer for a depressed friend. Try not to scold a depressed family member

    Store 2

  • Purchase groceries from the store and place them on the Kitchen table...your little friends get sooo excited to see groceries in the house they drop whatever they're doing to peak at the groceries and to put them away.
    1. Top row of groceries in store are regular foods and equal 150 units in each category.
    2. Bottom row of groceries in store are the organic foods/higher quality and equal 250 units in each category.
    3. There is a special every day on one of the food categories. When you can afford it and there is space in the inventory stock up on the specials.
  • Keeping 1,000 units of groceries in the house helps keep your families happiness level up. Select the refrigerator, the door will open and the "food available" will show above the action task bar.
  • Allow 200 units of food for each family member per's not a bad idea to have extra on hand in case they through some food out or another emergency arises.
  • Your family will eat on their own throughout the day as long as there are groceries in the house.
  • For optimal "Fed" sustenance:
    • Have an adult prepare a meal by placing them on top of the kitchen table. The action bar should read "preparing a meal".
    • After the meal has been prepared, place each family member on top of the table and they will "sit down to a meal". The children seem to be the most sustained when sitting down to a meal. All family members are more sustained when they sit down to a meal than when they eat on their own. The men tend to need to eat more than the rest of the family...oh, how true to life!

    Feed Family

  • Purchase groceries from the store and place them on the Kitchen table...your little friends get sooo excited to see groceries in the house they drop whatever they're doing to peak at the groceries and to put them away.
    1. Top row of groceries in store are regular foods and equal 150 units in each category.
    2. Bottom row of groceries in store are the organic foods/higher quality and equal 250 units in each category.
    3. There is a special every day on one of the food categories. When you can afford it and there is space in the inventory stock up on the specials.
  • Keeping 1,000 units of groceries in the house helps keep your families happiness level up. Select the refrigerator, the door will open and the "food available" will show above the action task bar.
  • Allow 200 units of food for each family member per's not a bad idea to have extra on hand in case they through some food out or another emergency arises.
  • Your family will eat on their own throughout the day as long as there are groceries in the house.
  • For optimal "Fed" sustenance:
    • Have an adult prepare a meal by placing them on top of the kitchen table. The action bar should read "preparing a meal".
    • After the meal has been prepared, place each family member on top of the table and they will "sit down to a meal". The children seem to be the most sustained when sitting down to a meal. All family members are more sustained when they sit down to a meal than when they eat on their own. The men tend to need to eat more than the rest of the family...oh, how true to life!


    Place a family member on the right side corner of the right sink to remove the cobwebs. If you do this several times and they don't remove any cobwebs, try again later as there may not be any cobwebs at the time.

    Clogged Shower or toilet

  • Place an adult in front of the clog to take note of the problem.
  • Transfer the adult to the plungers in the laundry room between the closet and the table. virtualfamilies:virtualfamilies_clog_01.jpg
  • Your little friend will now repair the offending clog.
  • Leaky Sink

  • Place an adult in front of the leaking sink so they take note of the problem.
  • Transfer the adult to the back of the workshop and place in front of the red toolbox so they may pick up a wrench. virtualfamilies:virtualfamilies_leakingsink_01.jpg
  • Your little friend will now repair the leaking sink.
  • Dryer Fire (Shed must be opened)

  • Place an adult in front of the clothes dryer (there will be smoke emitting from the dryer) so they take notice of the fire. The action bar will indicate your friend is aware of the fire.
  • Transfer the adult who viewed the fire to the shed to pick up a fire extinguisher...your little friend will then extinguish the fire.
  • Oven Fires

    Place an adult or a child 14 or older in front of the burning oven (there will be smoke emitting from the stove) so they take notice of the fire. The action bar will indicate your friend is aware of the fire.
    • Transfer the adult who viewed the fire to the shed to pick up a fire extinguisher...your little friend will then extinguish the fire.

    Bird Bath Repair

    • Purchase the bird bath pump from the store.
    • Place the bird bath pump on top of the bird bath. virtualfamilies:virtualfamilies_fountain_01.jpg
    • Place 2 adults on top of bird bath. Place 1 adult on top of bird bath...pause the game by pressing the space bar...then place the other adult on top of bird the space bar again to resume game...walla...bird bath repaired. virtualfamilies:virtualfamilies_fountain_02.jpg

    Repairing the Outside Workshop Walls (Leaky Hose has to be repaired before repairing Workshop Walls):

    • Purchase the Wall Compound from the store.
    • Place the Wall Compound on top of the bucket near the hose at the right side of the house.
    • Place an adult friend on top of the Wall Compound (may need to attempt this several times) to mix the compound. virtualfamilies:virtualfamilies_wallrepair_01.jpg
    • Your friend will walk to the Workshop and start to repair the walls...or maybe your friend will walk away...they do have short attention spans. virtualfamilies:virtualfamilies_wallrepair_02.jpg
    • Repeatedly place your adult friend on top of the bucket until the walls are repaired. Should your friend walk away for too long the compound will dry and you'll have to purchase additional compound and start over repairing the walls.
    • You can place more than one adult on compound to expedite the repair process.
    • A pop-up window will appear when walls are repaired and the compound will disappear.

    Watering the Flowers (The leaky hose must be fixed first and the shed must be opened)

    • Place an adult friend above the flower box closest to the top of the scene outside the living room window. You should receive an action message of "Watering the flowers". This may take several attempts before receiving the message. virtualfamilies:virtualfamilies_flowers_01.jpg
    • Your friend will fill a watering can full of water and water the window-box flowers.

    Floor Repair

  • Purchase a floor repair kit from the store.
  • Place a floor repair kit over one of the cracks in the floor; the repair kit will remain on the floor next to the crack until the crack is repaired. virtualfamilies:virtualfamilies_floorrepair_01.jpg
  • Place one of your adult friends on the crack where you placed the floor repair kit.
  • Continue to place your friend over the crack until the repair is completed; the crack will be gone and the floor repair kit will disappear when crack is repaired.
  • You'll need to purchase a minimum of 3 floor repair kits. One for each crack.
  • Repeat the steps above for each floor crack.
  • Additional floor repairs may need to be purchased to repair the floors again if your friends suffer an earthquake.
  • Leaky Hose

  • Purchase the all-American repair product...duct tape.
  • Place duct tape near the leaky hose at the back of the house. virtualfamilies:virtualfamilies_leakyhose_01.jpg
  • Have one of your friends lower the water pressure in the house by washing hands, getting a drink, using the toilet or taking shower.
  • Take an adult friend and place them on top of the hose at the back of the house. Your little friend will repair the leaky hose while the water pressure is lowered.
  • Opening the Shed

  • Select one of your people and transfer them to the top right of the sandbox to pick up the shed doorknob. The sandbox is outside the house and to the right of the office at the front of the house. virtualfamilies:virtualfamilies_shed_01.jpg
  • After the doorknob is on the shed, transfer one of your friends to the welcome doormat outside the front door where they will pick up a key and open the shed door. virtualfamilies:virtualfamiles_shed_02.jpg
  • The shed contains fire extinguishers and watering cans. virtualfamilies:virtualfamilies_shed_03.jpg
  • The fire extinguishers are used to put out oven and clothes dryer fires.
  • The watering cans are used to water the flower boxes after the leaking hose has been repaired.
  • Getting Married

  • You'll probably receive an email alert shortly after your new adoptee enters the house. Your adoptee will have an unorthodox marriage (email) proposal without any romance. The adoptee may choose to get married or wait for another proposal later. Getting married has a HUGE positive impact on their happiness.
  • If you choose to marry someone with less than $100 in the bank you marry for love. If you choose to marry someone with $200 in the bank, you marry for money.
  • Marriage proposals will become more infrequent as time you may want to take this into consideration before rejecting a proposal
  • Showering

  • Place your adoptee in the shower when they start to "not feel so fresh".
  • Washing their hair, brushing their teeth, flossing, applying deodorant or washing their hands will also have a slight impact on their personal hygiene...the shower works best.
  • If you praise your new friend while taking a shower they might take the initiative and take a shower on there own when they start to get "stinky" again.