Q: How do you get them to chase gophers?
A:They have to this by themselfs, but when they do, praise them and you will recieve the trophy.
Q:When can kids start to work?
A:Kids start to work at the age of 14, but they can only do chores, and cannot work to earn money.
Q:How do you get rid of the hiccups?
A:You must make the person with the hiccups drink water in the kitchen or bathroom.
Q:How do I pause the game?
A:Press the spacebar.
Q:How high do career levels go?
A:Level 8-Mastery
Q:How do you have multiple families at once?
A: Click the name at the start menu, and make a new player
Q:What happens to the money when parents die?
A:It gets transfered on to the next generation.
Q:How do you prepare a meal?
A:Drop a person 14 or older onto the table in the kitchen.
Q:How do you get their energy up?
A: There is a drink in the store called Energy Drink, give the person that. If it's not available, give them lots of rest, and naps. Make sure they're fed too.
Q:Why won't my store refresh?
A: It's a glitch. Press the R key while on the store screen.
Q:How do I help my people who are weak?
A:Give them vitamins and fruit from the store, and give them food and lots of rest.
Q:How do you get the red ball?
A:Go to the very upper left corner of the screen and pinch it out of the very upper left corner. You cna play with it when you're waiting for your people to preform a task.
Q:Will children come back after college?
A:No they won't, unless you pick them to carry on the generation. Nothing will happen to the others you don't pick, but they will be in the Family Tree.
Q:What do you do when they are depressed?
A:Make sure they are fed, make them work on their career, and praise them. That should raise their mood. Feed them fruit and delicous candy as well.
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